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EXTECH Instruments

MO57 Medidor de humedad sin agujas

Take pinless (non-invasive) Moisture measurements on wood and building materials without damaging the surface with the depth of approx <4" (100mm) with Extech's MO57 Moisture Meter. The ball moisture sensor provides smooth gliding on hard or delicate surfaces.

El precio y el plazo de entrega se comunicarán previa solicitud
Tipo de sensor Sensor esférico sin agujas
Profundidad de medición 100 mm
Intervalo de humedad de la madera 0.1...99.9%
Otros materiales de construcción 0.1...99.9%
Resolución 0.1%
Niveles de Icono de Humedad de la Madera Bajo: 0,1...16,9%; Medio: 17,0...39,9%; Alto: 40,0...99,9%.
Niveles de iconos de materiales de construcción Bajo: 0,1...16,9%; Medio: 17,0...39,9%; Alto: 40,0...99,9%.
Dimensiones 210x70x33mm
Peso 155g

Take pinless (non-invasive) Moisture measurements on wood and building materials without damaging the surface with the depth of approx <4″ (100mm) with Extech’s MO57 Moisture Meter. The ball moisture sensor provides smooth gliding on hard or delicate surfaces. Easy-to-operate with display icons that indicate the levels of moisture content plus audible alert feature. Ideal for building restoration projects and applications where moisture detection on floors, tiles and under carpets is critical. A must-have tool for analyzing the after-effects of water leakage behind walls and in ceilings and also measuring moisture content on a non-flat surface.

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