
Opticon Benelux

Opticon Benelux

finding solutions with visual inspection

Opticon Benelux is a distributor of the worlds leading camera inspections, endoscopy, video scopes and X-ray supplier IT Concepts. All the types of visual inspection camera’s as mentioned are used in various industry sectors for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) such as in the fields of aviation, shipping, the automotive industry, chemical industry, petrochemical industry, offshore and pharmacy sectors, where the specially developed research equipment is frequently used.

X-ray inspections are carried out in the process of assessing the quality of semi-finished and finished products. These systems are used for sampling research (single piece) as well as series productions. In this way, the internal structure and any deviations in castings, composite constructions, 3D printed products, tyres, wheels, welds and electronic components can be inspected.


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Get in touch with Erik-Jan our Opticon specialist


Erik-Jan Visser

Account-/ Product Manager


Brand Guide

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands