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Videoscopes are ideal for inspection and provide a clear view of inspection areas inaccessible to other NDT methods. The flexibility and durability of a videoscope provide advanced inspection capabilities for bores, holes, pipes, cavities, and other challenging applications. The portable industrial videoscope camera is an excellent tool for every engineer or mechanic to check for engine damage or preventive inspections.

Their ability to image difficult-to-reach places makes videoscopes essential tools for nondestructive testing in shipping, aviation, industrial plants, offshore and construction. Thanks to its flexible probe and lightweight enclosure, an industrial videoscope camera can easily and quickly locate problems and conflicts, allowing preventative measures to be taken without the need to dismantle the machinery or system.

No training is required before using, i.e. an IT Concepts videoscope. The inspection is done within minutes with the joysticks and large LCD screen. Videoscope technology made it possible to take pictures, record videos and transfer them wirelessly in an HD resolution.

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands