What is a diaphragm seal?


Diaphragm seals are an essential component in many industrial processes, but they are not always well understood. In this blog post, we will explain what diaphragm seals are, how they work, and why they are so important in certain applications.

What is a diaphragm seal?

A diaphragm seal is a device that is used to isolate a process from the outside environment while still allowing pressure readings to be taken. It consists of a flexible diaphragm that is sealed around the perimeter, with an inlet and outlet for the process fluid. The diaphragm separates the process fluid from the measuring instrument, preventing contamination and protecting the instrument from damage.

Which types are there?

There are several types of diaphragm seals, including threaded seals, flanged seals, and welded seals. Threaded seals are typically used with low-pressure applications, while flanged seals are used for high-pressure applications. Welded seals offer the highest level of protection and are used in applications where leakage is not acceptable.

Where can you apply a diaphragm seal?

Diaphragm seals are used in a variety of applications, including food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and chemical processing. In these industries, it is important to maintain a sterile environment to prevent contamination of the product. Diaphragm seals help to achieve this by isolating the process fluid from the measuring instrument.

How to choose the right seal

When selecting a diaphragm seal, it is important to consider the type of process fluid, the temperature and pressure of the process, and the required level of accuracy. There are also different materials available for diaphragm seals, including stainless steel, Hastelloy, and Teflon. The material chosen will depend on the specific requirements of the application. If you have any questions about diaphragm seals or would like to request an offer, please contact us!

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Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands