
Riken Keiki

Riken Keiki

At Riken Keiki, they pledge to ensure the safety of the public in working environments

Riken Keiki is a Japanese company founded in 1939. Over the years, Riken Keiki has established itself as a world leader in gas detection and environmental measurement products. The company continues to refine the technologies developed throughout its history while investigating and improving its products’ quality and technical capabilities. Riken Keiki gas detectors are designed and manufactured to respond to diverse industrial requirements and applications. Customers rely on them to detect and prevent disasters rapidly and precisely.

New product development involves the continual improvement and refinement of existing products and active collaboration with its customers as a matter of course. At Riken Keiki, they pledge to ensure the public’s safety in working environments. In light of this, the company has zero tolerance for compromises in quality in any manufacturing process.

It can be challenging and demanding to satisfy the necessary conditions to ensure that a facility or system is completely free of gas leaks. The Japanese company can produce high-quality goods through its R&D department, the production technologies of its manufacturing sites, its services to provide accurate information to all customers, and its no-compromise attitude toward both portable gas detectors and fixed gas detectors.

GMS Instruments is the official distributor of Riken Keiki. Several models of portable gas detectors like the GX-3 R and GX-8000 are directly available from stock. Fixed gas detectors are available with installation service by our factory-trained technicians. Also, for calibration of all detectors, GMS Instruments is your go-to. As an official service partner, we keep an extensive stock of spare parts. All our calibration specialists are factory-trained in Japan. For more information or personal advice, please contact our specialists.


Want to know which brands suit you?

Get in touch with Sebastian, our Riken Keiki specialist.

Sebastian Kelderman

Sales Representative


Brand Guide

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands