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Silver/Copper Ionisation Test Kits

Water treatment systems that electrolytically generate copper and silver ions to control bacteria (including planktonic legionella) in hot and cold water systems are becoming more and more common. Silver concentration should be a minimum of 20ppb and higher with hard water feed. Installers of ionisation systems must take into consideration regulations on maximum allowable copper and silver levels (The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations), as well as local water quality.

Price and delivery time will be given on request
Silver (Free) Ionisation Test Kit
Range 0 - 1 ppm
No. of tests 100
Silver Iron Photometer
Range 0.0 - 0.2 ppm
Resolution 0.01 ppm
Copper Comparator Test Kit
Range 0 - 1 ppm
No. of tests 100
Copper HR Colorimeter
Range 0 - 5 ppm
Resolution 0.01 ppm

Water treatment systems that electrolytically generate copper and silver ions to control bacteria (including planktonic legionella) in hot and cold water systems are becoming more and more common. Silver concentration should be a minimum of 20ppb and higher with hard water feed. Installers of ionisation systems must take into consideration regulations on maximum allowable copper and silver levels (The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations), as well as local water quality.

Hardness and pH are two important factors that can affect the efficiency of the whole process. Copper ions are also required to complete the synergy. To perform an analysis, add a reagent sachet to 50ml of sample water; filter this through a small membrane and compare the colour of the membrane with the standard colour chart. The test takes just a few minutes to complete, ensuring correct operating conditions—ideal for checking sentinel outlets monthly and representative taps on a rotational basis.

Copper HR Colorimeter
The Copper HR Colorimeter is a simple, accurate and cost-effective way to measure high ranges of copper. Designed as a more precise alternative to chemical tests, the Colorimeter provides quick, accurate results in four easy steps. The Colorimeter uses an adaptation of the EPA method. The reaction between copper and the reagent causes a purple tint in the sample.

Silver Iron Photometer
The Silver Ion Photometer is a small, lightweight digital photometer specifically designed to measure silver ions in water. The Photometer features an advanced optical system; the combination of a unique 570nm LED lamp, a narrow band interference filter, and a silicon photocell ensuring accurate photometric readings every time. It is currently the easiest to use, quickest and most precise silver ion measurement tool on the market. When using the highly accurate span calibration method for faster, more accurate results than conventional silver ion meters.

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Erik-Jan Visser

Account-/ Product Manager


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Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands