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Gas Detection

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Calibration gas

Calibration gas is a gas or a gas mixture that can be used as a reference to detect both portable and fixed gas detectors. Calibration gas, also referred to as span of test gas, is usually compressed. The composure of calibration gas exists of one initial gas and is enhanced by one or more component(s). GMS Instruments is an official distributor of SEMA Gases, traceable calibration gases according to national and international standards.

Before selecting your required calibration gas, determine which type of gas or gas mixture is required to calibrate your gas detector.

Types of calibration gas

You can divide calibration gases into zero calibration and span calibration. Zero calibration gas is a gas which contains no flammable gases. This type of calibration gas is used when gas detection or gas analysers get calibrated with none of the analyte gas structures the analyser or detector will respond to.

A span type calibration gas is a more refined type of calibration gas in which there is a precisely formed concentration of detectable gas exposed to the gas detector. SEMA Gases delivers multiple types of calibration gases suitable for the shipping industry, offshore industry, chemical industry, laboratories, and universities.

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands