
MSA Safety

MSA Safety

the Mine Safety Appliances Co. soon to be known as MSA

MSA Safety was born out of a tragedy on March 26th, 1912. On that day the Jed Mine in West Virginia exploded. Mine engineer John T. Ryan Sr. thought that he had to do something about this and started with a colleague the Mine Safety Appliances Co. Soon to be known as MSA.

By today standards MSA Safety Incorporated is the worldwide leader in the development, manufacture and supply of safety products that protect people and facility infrastructures. Many MSA products integrate a combination of electronics, mechanical systems and superior materials to protect users against hazardous or life-threatening conditions.

MSA’s extensive product line is used by workers around the world in a broad range of markets, including the oil, gas and petrochemical industry. MSA’s core products include self-contained breathing apparatus, fixed gas and flame detection systems, portable gas detection instruments, industrial head protection products, fire and rescue helmets, and fall protection devices.


Want to know which brands suits you?

Get in touch with Sebastian our MSA Safety specialist

Sebastian Kelderman

Sales Representative


Brand Guide

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands