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Thermal Imaging


Nearly everything gets hot before it fails

Get in touch with Erik-Jan, one of our expert's in thermal imaging camera's


Erik-Jan Visser

Account-/ Product Manager


Product catalog

Thermal Imaging

Nearly everything gets hot before it fails

Thermal imaging is the use of an infrared imaging and measurement camera to “see” and “measure” thermal energy emitted from an object. Infrared allows us to see what our eyes can not. Infrared thermography cameras produce invisible infrared or “heat” radiation images and provide precise non-contact temperature measurement capabilities. Nearly everything gets hot before it fails, making infrared cameras extremely cost-effective, valuable diagnostic tools in many diverse applications. And as the industry strives to improve product quality and enhance worker safety, new applications for thermal imaging continually emerge. GMS Instruments has a complete product range of thermal cameras for nighttime navigation, anti-piracy, iceberg navigation, oil spill detection, safety onboard and man-overboard situations for maritime applications.

Thermal Imaging cameras

GMS Instruments has an extensive range of thermal imaging cameras. Renowned brands that offer high-performance products with reliable quality in the following product groups:

  • Portable thermal imaging cameras
  • Stationary thermal imaging cameras

Thermal cameras can be divided into two different groups. First, you have the category of portable thermal imaging cameras. These are the type of cameras as suggested which can be hand-held and be deployed in many options. The development of portable cameras is fast, which makes cameras nowadays the size of a regular smartphone.

Stationary thermal imaging cameras are installed on a fixed location and can be monitored remotely. This type of camera is, among other things, used in anti-piracy and iceberg navigation.

GMS Instruments is an official dealer of FLIR. Worlds largest thermal-, night vision and infrared camera manufacturer.

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands