


“combine the power of youth with the wisdom of experience to expand sensing technology”

Although technology is always developing, one need for GASTEC products never change. That need is customer safety. Whenever GASTEC contribute to customer safety, GASTEC is displayed with an opportunity to develop further. GASTEC holds this corporate creed of safety and development in high esteem, as it strives to grow while always putting customer safety first.

In line with the globally expanding awareness for the natural environment -first and foremost, the air- as well as our living and working environment (especially indoors) the types of substances to be detected or measured and the technology involved (especially IT) GASTEC have been increasing at a breakneck pace. Hence, at GASTEC are no longer pursuing only gas detection/measuring technology in the form of detector tubes but also developing sophisticated sensor equipment in response to the growing needs.

To remain in step with -or even ahead of- the needs time in, GASTEC is seeking to combine the power of youth with the wisdom of experience to expand sensing technology as the core of our easy-to-use measuring technology for the 21st century.


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Get in touch with Sebastian our GASTEC specialist

Sebastian Kelderman

Sales Representative


Brand Guide

General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands