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Sewage Water Test Kit

The discharge of raw sewage into the sea can create a health hazard, while in coastal areas, sewage can also lead to oxygen depletion and obvious visual pollution. MARPOL Annex IV contains a set of regulations regarding the discharge of sewage into the sea from ships, including rules regarding the ship’s equipment and systems for the control of sewage discharge, the provision of port reception facilities for sewage, and requirements for survey and certification (ISPPC – International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate).

Price and delivery time will be given on request
Coliform Bact. (12) 0 – 2424 CFU/100ml
TSS (unlimited) 5 – 500 mg/l
BOD (unlimited) 7.5 – 255 mg/l O2
Thermometer -50...150°C
Digital Incubator 25...45°C
COD Test (25) 0 – 300 mg/l
pH Test Strips (50) 4 – 10 pH
Free Chlorine (100) 0 – 1.0 ppm
Free Chlorine (100) 0 – 30 ppm
Budget Sewage Effluent Test Kit
Dip Slides (10) 0 - 100,000 CFU / ml
TSS (unlimited) 5 – 500 mg/l
BOD (unlimited) 7.5 – 255 mg/l O2
COD (100) 0 - 300 mg/l
pH Test Strips (50) 5 – 11 pH
Free Chlorine (100) 0 – 1.0 ppm
Free Chlorine (100) 0 – 30 ppm
Thermometer -50...150°C

The discharge of raw sewage into the sea can create a health hazard, while in coastal areas, sewage can also lead to oxygen depletion and obvious visual pollution. MARPOL Annex IV contains a set of regulations regarding the discharge of sewage into the sea from ships, including rules regarding the ship’s equipment and systems for the control of sewage discharge, the provision of port reception facilities for sewage, and requirements for survey and certification (ISPPC – International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate).

To test the discharge of Sewage treatment plants, CMT offers a quick and easy drop test for testing the free chlorine content. ISPPC (International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate) is issued upon successful inspection and are valid for 5 years. For renewal and random checks, maintaining the system operating requirements in line with the effluent standards will be required. With this in mind, the CMT Marine Sewage Effluent Test Kit will provide simple and accurate testing.

The Budget Sewage Effluent Kit indicates the key parameters set out in MARPOL Annex IV. The coliform dip slides provided will require an incubator to ensure accuracy, which can be purchased separately. For complete accuracy, you will need to buy the standard range of sewage effluent kits. These come complete with a coliform plate method and incubator. The coliform plate method provides an MPN count, which will provide more accuracy than the coliform dip slides. Regular testing will allow rapid corrective action if required, helping maintain optimum operating conditions, minimum downtime, and reducing costs. Ultimately the CMT Marine Effluent Cabinet will aid compliance with MARPOL Annex IV.

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Erik-Jan Visser

Account-/ Product Manager


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Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands