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Environment & Engine Control

CM Technologies

Fuel Bacteria Test

The CMT Fuel Bacteria Test can be used to test all types of diesel fuel (including biodiesel) for bacteria. The test is used in case of a clogged filter. A thin film of the residues from the clogged filter can be incubated on the dip slide to evaluate if the filters are clogging because of bugs or other dirt.

Price and delivery time will be given on request
Range Low, Moderate, Heavy
Test Time 24...48h at 27~30°C
" 1-4 days at ambient temperature
No. of Tests 10

Bacteria, moulds and yeasts can all grow rapidly in fuel tanks. Water, warmth and condensation in the fuel form the basis for the growth of the Diesel Bugs.

The addition of environmentally friendly biodiesel to fossil diesel offers microbes an excellent source of nutrition. Microbes grow more than ever and form increased amounts of “biomass”. This leads to clogged filters, corrosion and engine failure. Standard grades of diesel are clear and usually light yellow. The slightest discolouration can be a sign of the Diesel Bug. To be sure, you have to test it.

The CMT Fuel Bacteria Test can be used to test all types of diesel fuel (including biodiesel) for bacteria. The test is used in case of a clogged filter. A thin film of the residues from the clogged filter can be incubated on the dip slide to evaluate if the filters are clogging because of bugs or other dirt.

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Erik-Jan Visser

Account-/ Product Manager


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Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands