GMS Instruments Header Containers

Gas Detection

SEMA Gases

Calibration Gas / Test Gas

Calibration gas is a reference gas or a mixture of gases which are usually compressed. The composure of calibration gas exists of one initial gas and is enhanced by one or more component(s). Calibration gas is used to calibrate gas analysers or gas detectors. All SEMA calibration gas cylinders (Flammable, Toxics, Oxygen, and mix gas) are traceable according to national (Dutch) as well as international criteria.

Price and delivery time will be given on request
Cylinder format (Litre) 10, 34, 58, 110
Size (mm) 265 x 73 mm, 283 x 74 mm, 278 x 75 mm, 358 x 90 mm
Material Aluminium Alloy
Weight 0.1...1.1 kg
Water Capacity 0.9...1.6 Litre
Max Fill Pressure 10 bar / 145 PSIG, 34 bar / 500 PSIG, 69 bar / 1000 PSIG, 69 bar / 1000 PSIG
Regulatory Compliance 75/324/EEC, (US) DOT 39, ISO 11118

Calibration gas is a reference gas or a mixture of gases which are usually compressed. The composure of calibration gas exists of one initial gas and is enhanced by one or more component(s). Calibration gas is used to calibrate gas analysers or gas detectors. All SEMA calibration gas cylinders (Flammable, Toxics, Oxygen, and mix gas) are traceable according to national (Dutch) as well as international criteria.

Calibration gases can be divided into two categories; zero calibration and span calibration. Zero calibration gas is a gas which is free from flammable gases. Zero calibration gases are performed when gas detection or gas analysers get calibrated with none of the analyte gas structures to which the analyser or detector will respond. For example, a zero calibration of an oxygen-, or carbon dioxide analyser can be performed with pure nitrogen. Because nitrogen does not hold either oxygen or carbon dioxide, a zero point can be confirmed this way.

A span gas calibration is a more advanced type of calibration gas by which there is a precisely composed concentration of detectable gas exposed towards the gas detector or gas analyser. SEMA Gases delivers multiple types of calibration gases suitable for the shipping industry, offshore industry, chemical industry, laboratories, and universities.

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Get in touch with Sebastian our SEMA Gases specialist

Sebastian Kelderman

Sales Representative

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Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands