
Recap of Europort 2023


Europort 2023, the renowned maritime event at Ahoy Rotterdam from 7 till 10 of November, proved to be an exceptional week filled with dynamic displays, innovative technology, and fruitful partnerships at the booth of GMS Instruments.

We started the week with an amazing evening at Maritiem Museum Rotterdam with our Europort partners. During the museum tour, we discovered the history of maritime innovations and traditions that have shaped our industry. The Opening Dinner was filled with good food, shared laughter, and excitement for the grand exhibition ahead.


Throughout the week, our booth was filled with engaging discussions, insightful exchanges, and the forging of meaningful connections. Located at Hall 4, Booth Number 4.000 we saw exciting conversations, innovative displays, and valued partnerships.


Our participation alongside our esteemded partners symbolised the strength of our partnerships. Together with WIKA, Riken Keiki, CMT, Cygnus Instruments and QMI, we emphasized the significance of collaboration, setting new benchmarks in the maritime industry and reinforcing our commitment to excellence.


As Europort 2023 comes to a close, we reflect on a week of shared success, camaraderie, and remarkable collaborations. The memories created, partnerships strengthened, and innovations celebrated will continue to guide us as we navigate the ever-evolving maritime landscape. Take a look at our recap video’s to witness the atmosphere at the booth.

At GMS Instruments, we extend our gratitude to our esteemed partners, visitors, and industry colleagues for contributing to the success of Europort 2023!



General contact

Driemanssteeweg 190
3084 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands